Anne Baum almost 7 years ago

While we cannot magically increase instructor/staff salaries (although I hope this changes soon), there are real HR deficiencies that can be addressed. PGCPS recruits/hires later than its area competitors and its HR process/department is antiquated and "a joke" according to two new PGCPS teachers who are friends. These are things within the School Board's purview (and control - perhaps unlike salary). For example, I have a wonderful GA who is completing his Masters in School Counseling at UMD. He has interned in three different PGCPS schools. Despite the pay disparity, he wants to continue working in the County. He has already had an offer from Howard County Schools and is interviewing with MoCo. He has had no response to his applications for PGCPS. We cannot afford to lose quality instructors/staff. What ideas do you have for modernizing the HR process in PGCPS and demanding accountability?

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I want to know the personal experience of the candidates, and what their most important goals are.

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A school board member representing District 3 must have an understanding of the difference between the operating budget and the capital improvements budget; the mechanism by which capital improvements are funded and which governmental entities are responsible; current concerns & efforts of the Hyattsville community regarding the two-year setback in funding, the rapidly disappearing possible schools sites, & the possibility that improvements will already be outdated (especially in capacity due to local growth) by the time they are constructed; and should be up-to-date on any recent State legislative events that would affect any of the preceding.