The amount of parking on some streets make them unsafe for driving -- especially at night. Consider only allowing parking on one side of the street or with residential permits only. Improving lighting, sidewalks, and biking would be outstanding. On a related note, I'm not sure why access to the College Park shuttle is so onerous for residents. Instead of an annual card that has to be renewed in person, consider mailing a card to all residents or simply providing a sticker that is placed on a driver's license or something more permanent that residents can reliably use until the ID expires.

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Create a bike boulevard on Queensbury Road, which would improve the bicycle network in the City and the region. A bike boulevard on Queensbury Road would improve the City's bicycle network by connecting the proposed bicycle lanes on Belcrest Road (which in the final plan's map end at Queens Chapel Road) with the proposed bicycle boulevard on 40th Ave, and create a key east-west route through the northern part of the city. A Queensbury Road bike boulevard would also significantly improve the bicycle network regionally by connecting the proposed bike lanes near PG Plaza (Belcrest Road, Adelphi Road, and Toledo Terrace) with the bicycle sharing lanes installed on Queensbury and Riverdale Roads in Riverdale Park (, which would give Hyattsville residents an improved route to the Trolley Trail (e.g., Riverdale Station, College Park), the Riverdale MARC Station, the Anacostia Tributary Trail where it intersects at Riverdale Road, and the future Purple Line stations. It would also directly connect several of the proposed Capital Bikeshare stations to be installed in the area.

The city of Hyattsville already said 'no' to supporting Magruder Pointe. Now it's coming back again but via a request to rezone. The plan is still the same, however, and addresses none of the reasons the majority of council members gave for saying 'no' to the proposal before, chief among them being the impact to our primary public space, Magruder Park.

Given all the comments about insufficient participation opportunities for the public last time, it's an insult to suggest that there'll be even less process this time.

This is a time where 'no' still means, well, 'no'.

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Danny Schaible almost 7 years ago

Once you examine this project closely, the answer of how to develop this property becomes obvious. Once you take into account all of the property's constraints, there is only one solution. The only solution that does not develop in the floodplain, develop on land that has been set aside for park expansion, demolish a historic building by an exceptional architect, AND, allow the private developer to still turn a profit is to adaptively reuse the existing buildings. Floor plans have already been drawn up that demonstrate that you can fit 100 units into the existing building envelope. Also, there are well over 100 parking spots in the several terraced parking areas around the building, so the parcel adjacent to Magruder would not be needed for this (more parking is needed for increased density of office space compared to residential). If the city and county are clear that we will not allow development in the flood plain, the cost for the property should come down, and then perhaps the city could find the funds to buy this parcel from the current or future owners, making the entire project more affordable. With this solution, everyone wins, the historic building is preserved, the park land and floodplain are left undeveloped, the developer can still turn a profit, and the important historic character of our neighborhood is retained.

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Magruder Park is a public space. It's where we end the annual parade to celebrate the city. It's where we hold the carnival, the cyclocross, and where folks are out and about every day. While the parking lot there is a bit of an eyesore, it's still provides sightlines into the park and helps keep the park open and inviting. Yeah, it's not actually public property but historically it was and the council(s) should look into options of restoring it to such.

Packing in a bunch of pricey new homes will permanently alter the character of the park and reduce our public space, something Hyattsville is already short of. We already have big developments up and down route 1 and 410 and near west hyattsville Metro - that's plenty.

If we're going to do something with the parking lot and old WSSC building sites, best to make them in the service of the public. Put the new elementary school in the lot and make the old WSSC building a community center or mow it down and make it more parkland. Keep Magruder our public meeting space. As we pack in more residents, we'll need it even more...

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I live on Farragut St about three blocks away from this site and am very concerned about the sudden population density increase this proposal would cause. Already the traffic on 40th Street is very heavy, it’s often scary to walk along the side walks or cross the street on this SINGLE LANE road. We already have cars speeding down Farragut to cut through town, which really concerns me as a parent of a little kid. I can only imagine that heavier traffic on 40th would exacerbate this. Not to mention that we moved into the area some years ago because of the historic feel of the neighborhood and the open spaces, which in my opinion would change for the worse with this development. And our public schools are bursting at the seams! Finding childcare has been extremely difficult here for young parents for some years due to a baby boom and young couples/families moving in. the school density problem is only going to get worse unless something is done, and this development is not going to help. In addition, I don’t see any planning for a common space in the development design, meaning that they expect the new residents to use Magruder. I really don’t see a single reason why I should support this development.

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According to Werrlein, it purchased the property for $6-$7 million dollars. They are not planning on building any affordable housing units. Let’s assume the high end of that figure ($7 million). They plan on developing 84 homes for resale (combination of townhouses and single family homes). They will price their homes in the low 500s to high 600s depending on the features. Let’s assume an extraordinarily low end of that profit figure when building and labor costs are factored in, every home will be a net profit of $200,000.

The developer will make an astonishing $16.8 million dollars in net profit before taxes. The community gets no affordable housing units when they could easily afford to create them, no business tax benefits since the developer isn’t based in Hyattsville and only a handful of temporary jobs created. The city loses a place where a new school could be built, a park could be expanded or actual affordable housing can be built.

Just over the hill on Jefferson Street, we have an elementary school that serves our community well. It is facing a myriad of issues including severe overcrowding and public health hazards. Ironically, the land it is built on would actually serve as a better space for developing denser, more affordable, environmentally friendly housing. It would have easier access to downtown shopping, bus services and the municipal building.

I understand the environmental concerns regarding the flooding issue. With that said, if the city is comfortable with a developer moving forward developing in this zoning area, why is a school unacceptable? Why should we prioritize the millions of dollars an out-of-town developer would make in the future against the new school facilities that our children need right now?

We should not. If this project moves forward, it would be a disservice to the entire community, dry out affordable housing stock in the city and eliminate a site where a much needed school could be built. This project is a slap in the face to the progressive values of the community. It would be a travesty, and a tragedy for our children, if it were to move forward.

10 Votes Created

I do not support this density level of development in a flood plain. O-S zoning is in place for a reason. This does not seem like wise development that will benefit Hyattsville in the long run for a multitude of reasons, this includes traffic, impact to Magruder Park, impact to already overtaxed public schools and the inexperience of the developer on this scale of a project. I hope that the WSSC site can be developed with a little more thought on how it impacts the community.

14 Votes Created

most of the focus for art is along route 1 - why not expand the arts in Hyattsville and make Hyatt park an awesome outdoor sculpture garden?

Hamilton street is noisy along Hyatt Park. If there was some way to create a noise barrier along that side of the park you could make it much more inviting to hanging out and could add facilities to support picnics, outdoor concerts and expanded playground etc

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expand the community garden - there's now an ongoing waitlist for the current one

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Idea: Hyatt-swill!

John Vosmek about 8 years ago

It's a fun name. :)

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but am looking for a nice hoppy black IPA. It's definitely not what you expect at first glance.

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