I am opposed to the Werrlein proposal for many reasons. As the daughter and granddaughter of civil engineers who worked in New Orleans, I am strongly opposed to use of any flood plain for living space. From a design perspective, I find the existing Werrlein houses in our community very out of character in appearance and in the stilted way they sit on their lots. I think the density they are proposing will forever change the feel of Magruder Park. I also dislike the noise and air pollution and carbon footprint of demolition, then new construction. I would consider an alternate proposal including partial demolition for a school. I am not a parent, but find that a walkable school knits a community together in a way nothing else can. I would also support other adaptive reuse ie UMD planning & architecture using the space for a combination of classrooms and community space. I would even consider city hall relocating there, especially if the existing city building space could be annexed somehow for Hyattsville elementary. Or perhaps PG community college could have courses in the space, especially ones that would appeal to commuter students and our Aging In Place population. Single family homes would add a great deal of congestion and adversely affect the existing challenges for storm water management. I would want to have the parking lot redone to include permeable pavement and rain gardens for whoever uses the space as a requirement for any purpose.

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What do you believe are the most appropriate measures needed to reduce guns and gun violence in schools, amd what does PGCPS need to do to put these measures in place?

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Anne Baum almost 7 years ago

While we cannot magically increase instructor/staff salaries (although I hope this changes soon), there are real HR deficiencies that can be addressed. PGCPS recruits/hires later than its area competitors and its HR process/department is antiquated and "a joke" according to two new PGCPS teachers who are friends. These are things within the School Board's purview (and control - perhaps unlike salary). For example, I have a wonderful GA who is completing his Masters in School Counseling at UMD. He has interned in three different PGCPS schools. Despite the pay disparity, he wants to continue working in the County. He has already had an offer from Howard County Schools and is interviewing with MoCo. He has had no response to his applications for PGCPS. We cannot afford to lose quality instructors/staff. What ideas do you have for modernizing the HR process in PGCPS and demanding accountability?

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A school board member representing District 3 must have an understanding of the difference between the operating budget and the capital improvements budget; the mechanism by which capital improvements are funded and which governmental entities are responsible; current concerns & efforts of the Hyattsville community regarding the two-year setback in funding, the rapidly disappearing possible schools sites, & the possibility that improvements will already be outdated (especially in capacity due to local growth) by the time they are constructed; and should be up-to-date on any recent State legislative events that would affect any of the preceding.

Taylor Johnson almost 7 years ago

I like the different styles of homes. I like the "greens" in front of the row homes. Where is the common space for the detached homes to entice neighbours to mix and mingle outdoors? Why can't the main portion of the WSSC building be kept and turned into condos? What about the additional traffic caused by so many news residences? There is basically only one way in and out--Hamilton Street. Seems like a heavy burden to place on a road already heavily traveled. Taylor Johnson, Oglethorpe St